Have you heard of The Desire Map?  I’ll never forget when I first hear of it when Danielle LaPorte released the Desire Map as an online program with ebook versions of The Desire Map with PDF worksheets and videos.  It was amazing and changed my life.

But not in the way you might think.

See, I’d been living many of the principles that Danielle teaches in The Desire Map already but I didn’t know it.  The idea of chasing the feeling and not the thing was something I was already doing but wasn't aware of it until I came across The Desire Map. 

This was the missing key to all that stuff The Secret reawakened us to. 

The Desire Map put it into focus and gave it a system, and even though I knew the big lesson, the way The Desire Map presented it and make it actionable was life changing.  I felt a huge YES!  A huge sense of relief that I was on the right path with what I was doing personally and professionally.

Now Danielle LaPorte is offering an amazing opportunity for healers, coaches and spiritual teachers who are passionate about this work, a chance to learn to create and lead structured workshops, in person and virtually, to guide others through The Desire Map.

This is my passion!  This is the work the lights up my soul and what I want to share with the world.  I believe 100% that this is what so many need to break out of poverty, to break out of cycles of self-abuse and sabotage.  


 Desire Map Workshop Campaign




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