After becoming a mother and wife at the age of 19, I wasn’t sure how my life would turn out. By the time I was 23 I was a mother of three and married to my children's father – I allowed my (super)power to go inactivate, not engaged because of fear.

Fear of rejection, making the wrong choice, looking crazy, fear of making the choice to late. 

And so I went on a journey.

Reading books again, attending women conferences, engaging with real life people. 

Then I received a swift kick in the you know what in the form of one of my favorite quotes by Jessica Herrin

"knowing what matters to you and choosing that, let's you live authentically"

Fast-forward and I’m happier than ever..

I am creating the life I truly want. Achieving all the goals I set out for myself, and my family. Delighting at the thought of another day. Allowing my imperfections to be my strength, not weakness. Being proud and loving myself unconditionally.

About Style Your Life

Style Your Life is is a gathering for creative, entrepreneurial women living out their dreams and making a difference in the lives of those around them.

Having lived motherhood for over 14 years, the "what do you want to be when you grow up" is often a question we ask children. Will you become a doctor, helping to care for the sick? Or a lawyer, defending the constitution? Or a teacher, giving the gift of knowledge to your pupils?

Regardless of what the answer may be (or may have been), the question presupposes a world of possibility and purpose-driven living.


A few Natanya facts…

  • I live in New York where I was born and raised.
  • I don't understand the obsession over coffee.
  • I attending school to obtain my Criminal Justice degree.
  • I’m a Stylist with Stella & Dot 
  • My most favorite quote and guiding principle for staying sane is courtesy of the late, great Maya Angelou: “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change the way you think about it.”